Τα νέα των εργοστασίων της Ιαπωνίας. Daimler, BMW, Nissan, Renault, Hyundai, Mazda, Suzuki δίνουν €6.1 εκατ.

Σχετικά άρθρα

Την στιγμή που η Ιαπωνία προσπαθεί να μετρήσει τις πληγές και τις ζημιές που άφησε ο σεισμός και το τσουνάμι της περασμένης παρασκευής, οι αυτοκινητοβιομηχανίες προσπαθούν και αυτές να πατήσουν ξανά στα πόδια τους. Toyota, Honda, Nissan, Mazda Mitsubishi και Subaru είχανε ανακοινώσει ότι κλείσουν τα εργοστάσια τους για μερικές ημέρες. Συγκεκριμένα η Toyota αποφάσισε να κλείσει τα εργοστάσια της ώστε να εξοικονομήσει ηλεκτρική ενέργεια αφού τα προβλήματα στο πυρηνικό εργοστάσιο της Fukushima συνεχίζονται μέχρι και σήμερα. Μέχρι τις 22 του Μάρτη θα είναι κλειστά τα εργοστάσια της Toyota και σε όλη την διάρκεια που παρέμειναν κλειστά οι Ιάπωνες δηλώνουν ότι δεν κατασκευάστηκαν 40.000 αυτοκίνητα.

Η Ηonda έχει κλείσει μερικά εργοστάσια της συμπεριλαμβανομένου και αυτός της Suzuka στο οποίο κατασκευάζονται πολλά από τα υβριδικά της μοντέλα.

Η Mazda και Subaru ανακοίνωσαν ότι κλείνουν τα εργοστάσια τους έως και την Κυριακή λόγω έλλειψη ανταλλακτικών.Έλλειψη ανταλλακτικών έχουνε και τα εργοστάσια της Subaru και της Toyota στην Αμερική.

Εργοστάσια αρκετών προμηθευτών ανταλλακτικών των μεγάλων αυτοκινητοβιομηχανιών βρισκόταν στην πληγείσα περιοχή και έτσι η παράδοση ανταλλακτικών επηρεάζει σχεδόν όλα τα εργοστάσια των αυτοκινητοβιομηχανιών σε όλο τον κόσμο.

H Mitsubishi είχε ανακοινώσει ότι κλείνει τα εργοστάσια συναρμολόγησης της για την Δευτέρα και την Τρίτη και χθες τα άνοιξε ξανά ώστε να δει αν μπορούν να λειτουργήσουν λόγω ανταλλακτικών.

Από την άλλη σχεδόν όλες οι αυτοκινητοβιομηχανίες του κόσμου δείχνουν την φιλανθρωπική τους πλευρά και προσφέρουν πολλά εκατ. ευρώ στην Ιαπωνία.

Συγκεκριμένα, η BMW ανακοίνωσε ότι θα δώσει 1 εκατ. ευρώ στο μη κερδοσκοπικό οργανισμό “Save the Children” καθώς και στον Ερυθρό Σταυρό. H Nissan, ανακοίνωσε ότι θα δώσει 1 εκατ. δολάρια. Η Renault θα δώσει 500.000 ευρώ στον Ερυθρό Σταυρό με την Hyundai να δίνει 1.3 εκατ. δολάρια στο Ερυθρό Σταυρό. Να θυμίσω ότι η Mazda ήδη έχει ανακοινώσει ότι θα δώσει €265.000 ενώ η Nissan είχε δώσει ακόμη €265.000 και υλικό.

Update 18/03/2011: Η Mazda ανακοίνωσε ότι θα ανοίξει τα εργοστάσια της σε Hiroshima και Hofu στις 22 του Μάρτη ώστε αυτά να κατασκευάσουν ανταλλακτικά και κομμάτια που χρειάζονται για την γραμμή παραγωγής της Αμερικής.

H Daimler ανακοίνωσε ότι θα δώσει 2 εκατ. ευρώ ως δωρεά για τους πληγέντες του σεισμού και του τσουνάμι ενώ το Fiat Group 100.000 ευρώ.

Τέλος η Suzuki ανακοίνωσε ήμερα ότι και τα 6 εργοστάσια της θα παραμείνουν κλειστά έως τις 21 Μαρτίου ενώ θα προσφέρει €265.000 στον Ερυθρό Σταυρό.

Update 20/03/2011: H Nissan ανακοίνωσε ότι θα ανοίξουν τα εργοστάσια της Oppama, Tochigi, Kyushu, Yokohama, και Shatai αύριο, 21 Μαρτίου ώστε να κατασκευάσουν ανταλλακτικά ενώ στο εργοστάσιο του Iwaki συνεχίζονται οι εργασίες αποκατάστασης.

[Πηγή: LATimes, ΒΜW, Nissan, Mitsubishi, Renault, Hyundai | Photo Copyright: Kyodo / Reuters]

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Nissan Report #6

– Post Earthquake Activities –

Yokohama, Japan – March 20, 2011 – We at Nissan express our deepest condolences to the victims of the earthquake, and extend our deepest sympathy to those individuals and families still suffering from the disaster. Nissan is committed to making all efforts to support the restoration of the areas impacted by the earthquake, with sincere hopes that relief and recovery progresses as quickly as possible.

The following is an update to previous reports regarding the impact of the recent earthquake on Nissan and the facilities of our affiliated companies.

<Forecast on future production>
As the delivery of parts will still take some time to be reestablished, our plants, except for the Iwaki engine plant, will be partially operational. As for the Iwaki engine plant, with aftershocks still heavily impacting the region and infrastructure reestablishment still continuing, restoration is expected to take longer than the other plants. Our operations schedule will be as follows:

  • Oppama Plant, Tochigi Plant, Kyushu Plant, Yokohama Plant, Nissan Shatai
    Resuming operations from Monday, March 21, limited to the following: 

    • Production of parts for overseas manufacturing and repair parts. (Based on parts availability from suppliers.)
    • Vehicle production is planned to resume from March 24, while inventory of supplies lasts.
  • Iwaki Plant
    Continuing restoration activities. Meanwhile, employees who are on standby status are recommended to assist with local volunteer activities.

<Supplier Support>
Based on requests from some suppliers, Nissan has started to support restoration activities, and is prepared to provide any further support as requested.


Subject: Update on Earthquake Impact on Suzuki Operation

Suzuki Motor Corporation headquarters, manufacturing plants and shipping ports are all located in the Shizuoka and Aichi prefectures which are approximately 300 miles southwest from the centre of the earthquake. There has been no damage reported in this area, and the headquarters at Hamamatsu is fully operational.

Suzuki does use some suppliers and subcontract facilities that are located within the affected area, and the extent of the damage to these facilities is being assessed. The temporary suspension of production at all six plants has therefore been extended to 21 March 2011.

Suzuki Motor Corporation has donated – via the Japanese Red Cross Society – the sum of 30,000,000 Yen to help offer support to the people affected by the recent tragedy.

Daimler provides two million euros for victims of earthquake and tsunami in Japan

  • Initial immediate action in the form of cash donation
  • Additional activities to follow, possibly in the form of material supplies

Stuttgart/Tokyo/Kawasaki – Daimler AG is providing two million euros as immediate aid for the victims of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. The donation is intended to support the disaster relief and aid actions in the northeast of the country. Further activities will follow this initial immediate action, possibly including the provision of material supplies.

Dr. Dieter Zetsche, Chairman of the Board of Management of Daimler AG: “The consequences of the earthquake in Japan are still hard to comprehend. This is all the more reason for us to demonstrate our active solidarity with the people affected by making this donation.”

Daimler has approximately 13,000 employees in Japan through its subsidiaries Mitsubishi Fuso Truck and Bus Corporation, Mercedes-Benz Japan, as well as Daimler Financial Services. In addition, Daimler has long-standing retail and cooperation partners in Japan, including Nissan. The donation is to be made available as financial support for the aid organizations on the spot. The final selection will take place in the next few days.

Mazda Motor Corporation

Mazda to Resume Temporary Production from March 22 Following Suspension in Wake of Major Earthquake in Northeast Japan

March 18, 2011 HIROSHIMA, Japan— Mazda Motor Corporation wishes to convey its heartfelt sympathy and
concern for all people affected by the major earthquake in northeast Japan.

Mazda Motor Corporation previously announced the suspension of production at its Hiroshima and Hofu plants from the night shift on March 14, until March 21, in the wake of the disaster. Mazda has now decided to resume temporary production at both plants from March 22, producing replacement parts, parts for overseas production and vehicles utilizing “in-process” inventories.

This temporary resumption of operations will not affect recovery and relief activities in the areas affected by the earthquake. A decision on the resumption of full-scale production of both parts and
vehicles will be made at a later date.

Mitsubishi Motors Corporation’s Support to the Tohoku Earthquake Victims

Tokyo, March 16, 2011 – Mitsubishi Motors Corporation (MMC) would like to offer sincere condolences and sympathy to the victims of the Tohoku Earthquake. We pray from the depth of our hearts that the devastated area attains recovery as soon as possible.

The MMC group in Japan has confirmed a donation of 30 million yen to assist the victims and damaged areas. As an additional support, MMC will supply vehicles to accommodate the circumstances and needs of local authorities in the area.

In conjunction with MMC’s overseas distributors and business partners, we will try to find out the most efficient and optimum ways to render further assistance to those affected.

Tokyo, March 15, 2011
Factory Operation on March 17 (Thu) and Thereafter
Mitsubishi Motors Corporation (MMC) has suspended operation in all 3 of its plants for March 14th (Mon) and 15th (Tue).

Now, MMC will resume production in all locations for the 16th (Wed), and have decided to operate on 17th (Thu) as well.

As for March 18th (Fri) and thereafter, operations will be carefully deliberated according to the surrounding circumstances.

MMC Production hubs are located in:
1. Aichi Prefecture (Nagoya Plant)
2. Okayama Prefecture (Mizushima Plant)
3. Gifu Prefecture (Pajero Manufacturing Co., Ltd.)


Rolle, Switzerland. (March 17, 2011) – The following statement will serve as the latest update on Nissan European operations following the earthquake in Japan and is complementary to an update provided by Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.. All updates included within are current as of today’s date. As the situation continues to develop Nissan Europe will provide routine updates as appropriate.


  • Nearly all Nissan employees traveling in Japan on business have returned to their home countries. The few remaining Nissan Europe travelers in the country are scheduled to return no later than March 19.
  • We have confirmed the safety of all expat employees and their families in Japan and we continue to stay in close contact with these individuals. Currently, all business travel to Japan has been suspended. Nissan is aware that a number of national governments have recommended their citizens consider leaving the greater Tokyo area or Japan entirely. Nissan is working with each European employee regarding their own personal choices and will fully support their decision to stay or leave.

Earthquake Relief Efforts

  • In response to the devastating earthquake and tsunami that severely damaged Japan, Nissan Europe will donate USD 1 million in cash and in-kind contributions to support earthquake relief efforts.
  • Including the USD 1 million (¥80 million) committed by Nissan Europe, Nissan’s global contributions will reach more than USD 3.75 million (¥400,000,000 million) in cash and in-kind contributions. This includes global and regional corporate donations, employee gift matching, as well as the provision of 50 vehicles to support aid agencies in the affected areas of Japan.


  • All Nissan Europe manufacturing facilities remain operational and will continue to operate on a planned production schedule until further notice.
  • Although all plants in Japan, except for the Iwaki engine plant, have been able to repair some damaged facilities and/or equipment, it is still taking time to arrange delivery of parts from our suppliers.
  • As for the Iwaki engine plant, with aftershocks still heavily impacting the region, restoration activities are expected to take longer than at other plants.
  • Our operations schedule will be as follows:
    • Oppama Plant, Tochigi Plant, Yokohama Plant and Nissan Shatai are suspending operations until Sunday, March 20 (Note: Part of the Yokohama Plant resumed operations on March 13.)
    • Kyushu Plant and Nissan Shatai Kyushu are resuming production on Thursday, March 17, and Friday, March 18, while inventory of supplies lasts. However, operations after Saturday March 19 are yet to be decided.
    • Nissan’s JATCO’s Fuji Plant and Fujinomiya Plant, which manufactures transmissions, have reported partial damage to its buildings and equipment. Operations have been suspended and damage is currently being assessed.

Vehicle Supply / European Production Impact

  • Nissan Europe does not anticipate any short-term impact on sales or vehicle availability due to:
    • A strong European manufacturing footprint, which supplies around 80 percent of vehicles sold in the region.
    • Having sufficient vehicle supply to maintain sales and customer deliveries for at least 6 weeks.
    • Having adequate supplies already en-route to Europe to continue production.
  • Due to supply disruption in Japan, we anticipate some impact in the medium term but it is too soon to determine the extent of that impact.

As the situation continues to develop Nissan Europe will provide routine updates as appropriate.

Nissan Report – Post Earthquake Activities

Yokohama, Japan – March 16, 2011 – An update to previous reports regarding the impact of the recent earthquake on Nissan and the facilities of our affiliated companies.

Forecast on future production

Although all plants, except for the Iwaki engine plant, have been able to repair some damaged facilities and/or equipment, it is still taking time to arrange delivery of parts from our suppliers. As for the Iwaki engine plant, with aftershocks still heavily impacting the region, restoration activities are expected to take longer than at other plants. Our operations schedule will be as follows.

  • Oppama Plant, Tochigi Plant, Yokohama Plant, Nissan Shatai

Suspending operations until Sunday, March 20
(Note: Part of the Yokohama Plant resumed operations on March 13.)

  • Kyushu Plant, Nissan Shatai Kyushu

Resuming production on Thursday, March 17, and Friday, March 18, while inventory of supplies lasts. However, operations after Saturday March 19 are yet to be decided.

Situation following the earthquake in Western Shizuoka, on Tuesday, March 15

  • JATCO’s Fuji Plant and Fujinomiya Plant, which manufactures transmissions, have reported partial damage to its buildings and equipment. Operations have been suspended and damage is currently being assessed.

Support for Earthquake Relief Efforts

  • Including the 30,000,000 yen already committed to the NGO Japan Platform, announced on March 12, Nissan will donate more than 400,000,000 yen in cash and in-kind contributions to support earthquake relief efforts. This includes global and regional corporate donations, employee gift matching, as well as the provision of 50 vehicles to support aid agencies in the affected areas of Japan

Expatriate employees

  • We have confirmed the safety of all expat employees in Japan. Currently, all business travel to Japan has been suspended. Nissan is aware that a number of national governments have recommended their citizens consider leaving the greater Tokyo area or Japan entirely. Nissan has no current plan to repatriate its foreign employees, but we are working with each employee regarding their own personal choices and fully respect their decision to stay or leave.

Emergency aid for Japan. The BMW Group donates € 1 Million to help disaster victims.

Munich. Given the devastating consequences of the earthquake and subsequent tsunami in Japan, the BMW Group is showing solidarity with the victims of the catastrophe and has pledged emergency aid totaling € 1 million.

The company’s Board of Management expressed their shock at the tragedy unfolding in Japan. “We are deeply moved by the horrific suffering in the affected regions,” stated Dr. Norbert Reithofer, Chairman of the Board of Management of BMW AG. “During this difficult time, our thoughts and sympathies are with the Japanese people.”

The donation will go in equal parts to the international non-profit organization “Save the Children” and the Japanese Red Cross. Funds are earmarked for the treatment of traumatized children, emergency aid and reconstruction work.

Additionally BMW Group employees can show their solidarity with the victims of the disaster by contributing to both these campaigns.

On Monday, the BMW Group had given German employees in Japan and their families the opportunity to return to Germany. The approximately 800 local Japanese employees are being offered support by the company. The BMW Group has been active in the Japanese market for almost 30 years. Its National Sales Company is based in the Greater Tokyo Area.

Hyundai To Donate JPY100 Million to Quake-Striken Japan

Japan has been hit by a massive Tsunami wave a week ago, causing massive damage and the widespread loss of life.

Hyundai Motor Group announced that it will donate a total of JPY100 million (approximately $1.3 million at the current exchange rate) in order to assist the recovery efforts in the Asian country.

The money will arrive via donation to the Korean Red Cross, which will then deliver it to the Japanese Red Cross. It will be used to purchase immediate needs like blankets, food, and water.

Additionally, Hyundai Motor Group’s Chairman Mong-Koo Chung sent condolence letters to Japanese business partners on March 14th, including JFE Steel Corporation, to express Hyundai’s deepest sympathy and wishes for an early recovery. Hyundai Motor Group will continue to provide additional support as needed.

“Hyundai has been actively lending a helping hand to disaster-hit sites across the globe as part of its efforts to fulfill its role as a responsible global corporate citizen. To name a few, Hyundai provided support in the aftermath of Iran’s earthquake in 1999, the 2004 tsunami disaster in Asia, the 2007 Greek forest fires, the 2009 and 2010 earthquakes in Haiti and Chile, respectively, in the form of monetary donations, distribution of emergency supplies, or direct participation in relief activities,” the company says in its press release.

All of Japan’s major carmakers have been affected by production halts due to power drops and part shortages. Major American and European manufacturers, such as BMW and GM, have pledged money for relief efforts.

Renault and its employees help Japanese earthquake victims

  • Renault has launched an emergency campaign to come to the aid of those hit by the disaster in Japan.
  • The company will donate €500,000 to the Red Cross and will enable those of its employees wishing to do so to make donations – promising to match the total.

Since news of the earthquake broke, many Renault employees and unions have shown support for their Japanese colleagues at Nissan and for the Japanese people.

Renault has therefore set up a special fund and will donate €500,000. The employees will also be given a chance to make a donation. The amount of their donation will be matched by the company. All the money will be handed over to the Red Cross, a charity with whom Renault is a partner.

The money raised will go towards answering Japan’s most urgent needs: providing food, drugs and other vital supplies, paying for medical treatment and organising blood donor campaigns.

The Japanese Red Cross has already set up 400 teams of rescue workers from a pool of 2 million volunteers. Doctors, nurses and medical assistants are currently working with survivors of the disaster.

“I am deeply touched by the spontaneous support shown by Renault employees for their colleagues at Nissan and, more widely, for the Japanese people,” said Carlos GHOSN, President of Renault and Nissan. “The solidarity shown today in this tragedy demonstrates the strong ties between our two companies. I hope that this aid from Renault will contribute to alleviating the difficulties of the Japanese people, whose calm and dignity in adversity compel our respect.”




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