Νέα σειρά ονομάτων “1” για την Peugeot

Σχετικά άρθρα

Η Peugeot με την παρουσίαση του 301, εγκαινιάζει μια νέα σειρά ονομάτων για τα αυτοκίνητα της, τα οποία θα τελειώνουν με το νούμερο “1”. Η Peugeot επαναφέρει την ονομασία αυτή, αφού το 1929, ήταν η χρονιά όπου παρουσίασε το 201. Τα νέα ονόματα θα είναι αριθμητικά και θα έχουνε σαν κεντρικό νούμερο το “0” ή “00” το οποίο θα δηλώνει τον γενετικό κώδικα του μοντέλου.

Το πρώτο ψηφίο θα δείχνει το μέγεθος του οχήματος, ανεξαρτήτως αγοράς που θα πωλείται (101, 201, 301 κτλ) και η νέα σειρά ονομάτων θα τοποθετηθεί στα φθηνότερα low-cost μοντέλα της, συμπληρώνοντας τα μοντέλα με τον τελικό αριθμό “8” (108, 208, 308 κτλ). Περισσότερες λεπτομέρειες, μπορείς να βρεις στο δελτίο τύπου που ακολουθεί.

[Πηγή: Peugeot]

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The Peugeot Marque is reinventing its naming policy around the central ‘0’ as part of the development of its internationalisation strategy. In future, Peugeot will choose to use the end digit ‘1’ for all its new ‘conquest’ models and permanently fix the identity of all models with an end digit ‘8’ for future products.

It was in 1929 with the 201* that Peugeot began its characteristic three-digit numbering system based around the central ‘zero’.

The naming system used by Peugeot, going back through history, was structured so that:

– the central zero corresponded to the identity of the Peugeot marque

– the first digit represented the segment size of the vehicle

– the end digit indicated the generation of the vehicle

This system evolved at the end of the ‘90s, incorporating double letters to qualify the derived body type (CC and SW). Since 2005, it has been supplemented with the central ‘double zero’ which qualified the models that have had a taller body structure, such as the 3008 and 5008.

In 2012, further International development has led the marque to now reinvent its naming policy further.

From now on, Peugeot models will no longer change their number when they are renewed. Permanently fixing the numbers will simplify the understanding of the range and assist in establishing it further.

The ‘0’ indicates the genetic code

The central ‘0’ represents the genetic code of the Peugeot marque and so is retained.

The first digit: symbol of the segment

The first digit indicating the vehicle’s segment (or size), regardless of the market in which it is sold, is also retained.

The end digit is a response to new challenges and new ambitions

Expansion into new markets at an international level calls for the launch of new models in the large volume segments at the heart of these markets.

In future, these models will take their place in the Peugeot range and bear new names: numbers with an end digit ‘1’.

Designed specifically to fulfil new customer expectations, these new models will offer value for money and status and will supplement the range of models that from now on will remain with the end digit ‘8’.

The Peugeot 301 is the first of these new models to bear the contemporary stylistic codes of the Marque. These new models will distinguish themselves in their segments through dynamic handling and driving enjoyment – qualities that define the Peugeot brand.

The construction of the names with an end digit ‘1’ will be the same as for the models with an end digit ‘8’.  Numbering with 3 or 4 digits, depending on the design of the vehicle, with:

– the first digit indicating the vehicle’s segment positioning

– the ‘0’ or ‘00’ identifying the Peugeot genetic code

– the end digit being either ‘1’ or ‘8’.

Models with ‘1’

Following the example of the 201* characterised by strength and economy, in its time, the ‘1’ will represent the Marque’s value for money models in their markets that offer status that fulfils customer expectations centred around practicality of use, versatility and vehicle requirements.

Models with ‘8’

All models that already bear a number with an end digit ‘8’, such as the 308 and 3008, will keep their name when they are renewed and generation 7 models will be replaced with an end digit ‘8’.

Throughout its history, Peugeot has had the expertise to combine exacting standards with emotion and it is on this foundation that the Marque has established itself, reinventing itself in keeping with market trends and requirements as it extends its international range enhancement.

*201 was named (and the ‘2’ series born) when the Marque’s R & D Department reached its 201st project. This new vehicle played, in its time a particularly saviour-like role for Peugeot in a difficult economic environment. The considerable industrial resources devoted to the launch of this model, the starting point for a new generation of vehicles, contributed to the expansion of the Marque, the products of which became synonymous with innovation, elegance, economy and strength. The 201 was first presented at the 1929 Paris Motor Show.




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