Οι Κινέζοι αγόρασαν και επίσημα την Saab

Σχετικά άρθρα

Αυτό που ανακοινώθηκε την Παρασκευή 28 Οκτωβρίου, την Δευτέρα επισημοποιήθηκε με όλες τις λεπτομέρειες. H Saab ανακοίνωσε ότι η Pang Da και η Youngman την αγόρασαν για μόλις 100 εκτ. ευρώ και ότι θα προσφέρουν και ένα δάνειο ύψους 50 εκατ. ευρώ για τις άμεσες ανάγκες της. Επίσης οι δύο κινέζικες εταιρίες δεσμεύτηκαν να δώσουν επιπλέον 600 εκατ. ευρώ για την μακροπρόθεσμη χρηματοδότηση της Κινέζικης πλέον εταιρίας. Όλα αυτά βέβαια θα γίνουν αν η Κινεζική κυβέρνηση δώσει τελικά το πράσινο φως για την εξαγορά αυτή.

Επίσης το δικαστήριο αποφάσισε σήμερα να συνεχιστεί η εθελοντική αναδιάρθρωση της Saab. Σύμφωνα με το σχέδιο αναδιάρθρωσης, τα μελλοντικά αυτοκίνητα της Saab θα συνεχίζουν να κατασκευάζονται σε Σουηδία και Μεξικό, ενώ στο μέλλον δεν αποκλείεται να κατασκευάζονται μερικά αυτοκίνητα και στην Κίνα. Η Saab ευελπιστεί ότι το 2012 θα πουλήσει 55.000 αυτοκίνητα (βασίζεται κυρίως στα 9-4X και 9-5) με απώτερο στόχο να πουλά 205.000 αυτοκίνητα στο μέλλον, αρκετά αισιόδοξος στόχος αν αναλογιστεί κανείς ότι το 2010 η Saab πούλησε μόλις 32.000 αυτοκίνητα.

Το σχέδιο επίσης δηλώνει ότι τα έτη 2012 και 2013 θα είναι έτη μετάβασης με πλήρη κερδοφορία να επέρχεται το 2014. Περισσότερες λεπτομέρειες μπορείς να βρεις στο δελτίο τύπου που ακολουθεί αλλά και στα επίσημα pdf εδώ και εδώ.

[Πηγή: Saab | Photo Copyright: Torsten Silz/Getty Images]

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Information On Restructuring Plan Saab Automobile

Trollhättan, Sweden: Swedish Automobile N.V. (Swan) announces that Saab Automobile AB and its subsidiaries Saab Automobile Powertrain AB and Saab Automobile Tools AB (together Saab Automobile) today present their preliminary reorganization plan to their creditors during a creditors’ meeting in Vänersborg, Sweden.

The preliminary reorganization plan, which was developed by Saab Automobile management and supported by the current and foreseen owners of Saab Automobile as well as its administrator of the reorganization, contains the following highlights:

  • Pending the approval from all relevant parties, short- and long-term funding for Saab Automobile is assured: Youngman and Pang Da have expressed their commitment to provide EUR 50 million, to fund Saab Automobile while in reorganization. In addition, the Chinese investors will provide a minimum of EUR 600 million in funding to restart production, to settle the company’s clear and due debts and to fund operations for the 2012-2013 medium-term timeframe. To provide funding for the revised business plan and provide long-term financial stability the new Chinese owners have also budgeted funding for the planned expansion of Saab Automobile’s portfolio and additional operations to be set up in China. Saab Automobile has not received the funds from Pang Da and Youngman that have been committed for today.
  • New strategy and structure to combine the strength of Pang Da, Youngman and Saab Automobile, with Saab Automobile’s brand equity and heritage, product portfolio and capabilities being the key elements of that partnership combined with the distribution capabilities of Pang Da in China and the manufacturing expertise of Youngman.
  • Key actions during reorganization: establish new ownership structure with Pang Da and Youngman as strategic partners; reach agreement with creditors on repayment of outstanding debt to restore Saab Automobile’s supply chain; reduce structural costs by SEK1 billion, among others through reducing headcount by 500 employees; and generally restore confidence and trust with all key stakeholders
  • Restart plan highlights include: seamless production restart supported by existing order bank; accelerate access to China as major growth market; new distributorship agreements in other emerging markets like Russia, new products for traditional key markets (65% of volume) and China which include the 9-5 SportCombi and the 9-4X.
  • Confirmation of the long-term strategy of repositioning Saab as a distinctive, near premium brand supported by a renewed and broadened product portfolio, a more flexible cost structure with global production footprint, cross-carline modular technology architecture generating synergies, provision of external engineering services and expanded operations to take advantage of growth opportunities available in China and provided by strong Chinese owners.
  • Sales targets for 2012 of 35-55,000 cars and 2013 of 75-85,000 cars based on realistic ramp up in line with sales development since last restart.
  • Long term volume outlook of 185-205,000 cars of Saab Automobile based on three main growth drivers: 1) broadened product portfolio in fast growing market segments; 2) capitalizing on access to Chinese market, and; 3) strong profitability focus.
  • 2012 and 2013 seen as financial transition years, profitability expected no later than 2014. Long term margins and profitability in line with other near premium car manufacturers.

District Court Approves Continuation Voluntary Reorganization

Trollhättan, Sweden: Swedish Automobile N.V. (Swan) announces that the District Court in Vänersborg approves the continuation of the voluntary reorganization for Saab Automobile AB and its subsidiaries Saab Automobile Powertrain AB and Saab Automobile Tools AB following the creditors meeting of this morning.

Saab Automobile Appoints Göran Ejbyfeldt As New Vice President & Head of Manufacturing and Quality

Trollhättan, Sweden: Saab Automobile AB (Saab Automobile) has appointed Göran Ejbyfeldt as new Vice President & Head of Manufacturing and Quality effective 1 December. Ejbyfeldt succeeds Gunnar Brunius, the current Vice President Manufacturing & Purchasing, who will pursue a new opportunity in his career with Volvo Aero AB. Ejbyfeldt will assume responsibility of manufacturing on top of his current role as Executive Director Quality, Environment & IT. Kjell-Åke Eriksson will be added to Saab Automobile’s top management team as Executive Director Purchasing and will report directly to CEO Victor Muller.




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